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Rising Above Discouragement

Updated: Jul 20, 2019

“Get a real job.”

“It’s not going to work, you’re going to end up broke.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s heard this from a family member or close friend.

When you are chasing your dreams and the people closest to you are counting you out, what do you do?

To be very honest, I used to/usually cry. I didn’t understand that people were born with different views or they were just simply against it.

I’d always feel attacked when someone told me that entrepreneurship wasn’t a real job. I took it very personal.

It’s not personal.

When someone tells us that we can’t do something, or we should not do something, its ONLY a reflection of what they can’t do.

This has nothing to do with us whatsoever.

They are just trying to project their own self limitations on us to “protect” us from the pain of failure.

Fear is fake evidence appearing real.

I used to feel misunderstood, now I feel empowered.

Once I put my ego aside from feeling assaulted/insulted and considered what my naysayers were saying, I was able to see where they actually wanted me to improve.

My Mindset.

I soon learned how to take criticism objectively and find at least one valid possibility in what they were saying and take it into consideration.

Steer clear of investing emotionally into your doubters, or else they will burn you out.

Opinions don’t define unless you allow them too.

Keep in mind that every action has a reaction and once you shift your mindset from criticism to empowerment, you are in full power.

These days, I love being discouraged, doubted and counted out. I love hearing that it can not be done. I admire those who say it’s impossible. This all fuels my fire, drives me, and helps me to reach ultimate heights.

There is power in being doubted! Some are hurt by this but it can either do that or push you forward!

Next time you have an encounter with someone and they tell them that you “can’t” or you “shouldn’t” say okay.. and then do it twice and take pictures!

Have you ever been discouraged by a family member or close friend?

How did you deal with this?

How are you feeling now?

Comment your thoughts and feelings down below and let’s start a discussion. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Subscribe to my blog to stay up to date! From entrepreneurship, marketing to mindset.. your next level of success starts here. Thanks for reading, I can’t wait to connect! ❤️

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